Climate Change’s Impacts on Himalayan Glaciers – Podcast


Extreme Weather

Climate Change’s Impacts on Himalayan Glaciers – Podcast

Chaton Chokpatara /

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Attributions speaks with Finu Shrestha about climate change’s impacts on the Himalayan and Hindu Kush mountain ranges ice pack and glaciers. We talked about what kind of effects are being felt in the mountains, how the glaciers are responding to warming, weather pattern changes and water security for billions of people across Asia that rely on Himalayan and Hindu Kush glaciers and snowpack that feed some of Asia’s largest river systems.

Finu is a Remote Sensing and Geo-information Analyst at The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development and has been working on issues affecting the region for over a decade including glaciers, glacier lakes and glacial lake outburst floods also known as GLOFs.

LinkedIn: Finu Shrestha

Climate Impacts Tracker Asia

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