
The science is conclusive: climate change will disrupt the natural, economic and social systems we all depend on from global food security to infrastructure and jobs to health and well-being and biodiversity.

These impacts are unevenly distributed around the world, with some countries facing far greater risks than others. However, all countries, communities and companies will feel the effects of climate change. And some of the biggest risks for our society are the most difficult to understand. To meet this challenge, Climate Impacts Tracker Asia commits to publishing in-depth analysis and reports that connect climate science to climate change, with the goals of:

  • Identifying the causes of climate change
  • Reporting on climate change’s impact on a local and global scale, with a focus on communities and livelihoods
  • Showcasing climate change mitigation, adaptation and solutions

We aim to engage our audiences by seeking out and crafting compelling stories and ensuring that they reach people and empower them to make a positive difference. Our approach to our work will include:

  • Collaborate and support partner organisations
  • Communicate narratives that support the science behind climate change and its impact
  • Inspire our audiences to raise key questions and take action surrounding climate impacts

Ethics Policy

Climate Impacts Tracker Asia’s writers and editors strive to be driven by:

  • Truth, accuracy and accountability. We source facts from verifiable sources and strive to represent these accurately in our content. If we make a mistake, we correct it and record the correction at the bottom of the article.
  • Independence. Our fact-checking is completed by consultants during our editorial process as part of our due diligence.
  • Fairness. Where possible, we aim to ensure stories are balanced and not taken unfairly out of context.
  • Privacy and humanity. Our stories should not cause harm or compromise the safety of people affected by the issues we report on. We strive to balance people’s right to privacy and our readers’ interest in the stories we write.

Fact-checking and Corrections

We understand the importance of upholding accuracy and truth. All media published on Climate Impacts Tracker is verified by an independent fact checker to ensure that data, quotes, statistics and technical information are referred correctly to credible sources.

We strive to make an effort to ensure that our content is accurate but mistakes happen. When we spot an error, we promptly correct it and will publish a note about the correction on the same article page. This note will usually include:

  • The corrected information
  • What was originally published
  • The date it was updated on the Climate Impacts Tracker Asia site

If you see a mistake, please us know by contacting us via our online form or at [email protected]

Ownership Information

The Climate Impacts Tracker Asia website is operated by Cuttlefish Digital.